Fire Engineering
With Fire Engineering, which is a common language of mechanical, electrical, chemical and civil engineering branches, we design what should be done in case of fire, how the event will be controlled and terminated by performing fire risk analysis of businesses. International standards and codes such as BYKHY, EN, NFPA, VdS, BSI and ISO are used in our work.

Design & Project Process
Exploratory Work
Fire Engineering studies for existing facilities begin with on-site visits to businesses. Potential risks are determined at this stage and detailed examinations are made in the field.
Fire Risk Analysis Report
The fire risk report of the enterprise is created with the data collected from the field. In this report, potential risks and precautions to be taken against these risks are explained in detail.
Project Planning & Documents
After the fire risk report, 2D and 3D projects are made for the systems and measures that are decided. Projects can be prepared in two different ways, based on implementation or for budgetary purposes. The technical specifications suitable for the designed systems are prepared at this stage.
Calculations & Simulation
Real-time working simulations of the systems, all of which are designed with approved computer software, are made. At this stage, the designed systems are checked. In addition, the final verification can be done by repeating the calculation studies for the systems whose commissioning studies have been completed.
Supervision & Control
The projects whose designs are completed are checked for the last time in the field and made ready before the application. When necessary, the engineering calculations are run again and the final checks are completed.
Bill of Materials
The project is made ready for tender by creating detailed material lists of the fire systems equipment in the projects whose final controls are completed before the implementation.